
Ben Workman speaks about upcoming release of his documentary film


I'm Ben Workman of The Jumper Maybach Story documentary which is about my life.  A Los Angeles film crew has followed me throughout the United States and Internationally for over  2 1/2 years filming for this documentary.  It is now an exciting time to see that the finished film will be submitted to film festivals.  

My entire goal of agreeing to tell my life story on film is to help others overcome trying periods of adversity.  The message inspires everyone who has experienced bullying to channel their pain into a positive outlet.  I hope my story will inspire others to do the same.

Now I need your help in getting the word out about The Jumper Maybach Story.  Tell all your friends to like and share https://www.facebook.com/JumperMaybachMovie  fan page as well as going to TheJumperMaybachStory.com website to spread the news.

Thank you,

Ben Workman